Welcome to Meyersdale Mastiff Meetup !
IF you're a MASTIFF owner and are located in the Meyersdale area or within 50 miles of Meyersdale PA and would like to
join our Mastiff Meetup group ~ please contact me (Julie) at Xandermtmastiffs@aol.com
I want to hear from you !!
If you're a mastiff owner and are located outside of 50 miles of Meyersdale PA, but would like to attend a meetup with
your mastiff/s ... contact me (same email as above). We would love to meet you ! Even if you cannot be a regular Meyersdale
Mastiff Member, you can be a guest :)
This site is for mastiff owners, breeders, handlers, or just mastiff lovers located in or near Meyersdale, PA.